Monday, November 24, 2008

Inner Core (A Poem)

Inner Core

Ice covering my skin
showing my inner core
cold and unloving.
Flame licking my eyes
showing the fury that is
within me.
Lightning striking
everything I hate.
Water drowning those
who have hurt me.
controlling my life
everywhere I move.
My feelings show
everyone knows
who or what I
truly am.
Nothing but a
hard, unloving shell
like a golem,
not even a soul.
That's what I am called
a demon,
a nothing,
a creature
with no meaning.


WolfAngel said...

Wow. That's a little dark. Were you angry when you write this?

WolfAngel said...


Advent Child said...

Uh no, actually I don't seem to remember how I was when I wrote this poem.